1: 1. Seated Forward Fold - Stretch hamstrings and lower back. 2. Cat-Cow Stretch - Improve spine flexibility and mobility. 3. Child's Pose - Relax and stretch back and shoulders.

2: 4. Standing Side Stretch - Lengthen side body and open chest. 5. Quadriceps Stretch - Stretch front thigh muscles. 6. Calf Stretch - Improve ankle flexibility and prevent injury.

3: 7. Butterfly Stretch - Open hips and improve flexibility. 8. Hip Flexor Stretch - Release tension in hip flexors. 9. Triceps Stretch - Stretch and improve flexibility in arms.

4: 10. Shoulder Stretch - Ease tension and improve shoulder mobility. 11. Neck Stretch - Reduce neck stiffness and improve range of motion. 12. Wrist Stretch - Prevent wrist pain and increase flexibility.

5: 13. Piriformis Stretch - Alleviate sciatic nerve pain and improve hip mobility. 14. Glute Stretch - Relieve tension in glute muscles. 15. Pectoral Stretch - Stretch chest muscles and improve posture.

6: 16. Spinal Twist - Release tension in the spine and improve flexibility. 17. IT Band Stretch - Improve hip and knee flexibility. 18. Hamstring Stretch - Stretch and lengthen hamstring muscles.

7: 19. Forward Leg Extension - Stretch and improve flexibility in quadriceps. 20. Lateral Flexion Stretch - Stretch sides of the torso. 21. Groin Stretch - Enhance hip flexibility and prevent injury.

8: 22. Ankle Stretch - Improve ankle mobility and prevent stiffness. 23. Lower Back Stretch - Release lower back tension and improve flexibility. 24. Full Body Stretch - Stretch and improve flexibility in all major muscle groups.

9: 25. Deep Breathing - Incorporate deep breathing to enhance relaxation during stretches. 26. Warm-Up First - Always warm up before stretching to prevent injury. 27. Consistency is Key - Stretch regularly to maintain flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.

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